Sunday, January 31, 2010

Broke is the new black

What are you so fucking afraid of

There is no god

"look me in the eye and tell me you dont find me attractive"

and suddenly, we didn't believe

I will sleep when im dead

Its only getting worse

The people who deserve nothing are handed everything

Destroy what destroys you

Friday, January 29, 2010

Stop telling people you are fine. You arn't fine. You haven't been fine since you were a kid; you haven't been fine since you started piecing the world together. It's all quite a mess isn't it? Everyone seems to have lost sight of their own humanity. You haven't been fine since that first day that you felt powerless. You remember that day. You fell to the floor of your bedroom and cried for two days before anyone came looking for you. You were crying for the world that day, and you were crying the loss of your obliviousness. Itis almost eight years since that day and you might finally be ready, ready to help mend this place that has lost its way. You will work everyday for the rest of your life, trying to be honest when you say, "im fine"

Thursday, January 28, 2010

The bastards tied me down

"You may continue to call it a breakup. I will continue to call it an exorcism"

The fury of war

You can try and hold me back. Build your damn walls, pack sandbags along the edges and yell at the clouds and the rain and the sky to stop.

But I will not relent. I will reach you. Because I am the sea. And I will continue to love you no matter what

I saw you looking up from sweeping the floor and reading the notice board with the poster about someone winning a holiday for being the hardest working person in the company. I saw you sigh and walk away. I saw the poster was lying

You once told me “A diary is a long winded letter you write to an old person who used to be you.”

Still, please take better care of it, everyone has to read it in the future, and the bits you’ve spilt grape juice over are completely indecipherable. All we know about -that- New Years Party is from eyewitness accounts of the event and the first and last words of the entry “You’d never believe…” and “…that’s how I ended up on the highway, with a bedside lamp and a breadbox full of money.”

I saw them kick you and beat you till you lay bleeding in the dirt. Broken and burnt, with tears in your eyes. You got up, walked up to that bully and beat him to a pulp.

You are braver and stronger than you think

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

"We only stopped the machines when you showed us the homeless weren’t the only ones begging for change"

The people you know. The people you knew. What you’ve learned. Your memories. All these things, these ghosts come together to make up nearly all of who and what you are. The last part is your soul.
Your spark.

That is beyond ghosts

Your life will be remembered. You will be reborn on the lips of story tellers. A whispering around a fire. A telling of a tale.

You will become legend. Then myth. Then simply an idea.

Ask yourself "What do I want to be remembered for? What idea do I want to become?"

Then answer yourself. And do it

Monday, January 25, 2010

You said you were fine. You said you were ok. You smiled. Or at least your mouth did. I knew you were lying. The doctor phoned too often. Just to speak to you. That far away look you got in your eyes at the window. The way you held me as if every time you did might be your last. Like you wanted to remember the way my chest felt against yours.

The smell of hair.

The taste of skin.

Fingers along a back.

Familiar patterns.



I know who you are. Not the you who changes masks for the world every hour of the day, depending on the audience - I know the you behind that. Beyond the tiny voice in your head. Beyond the compromises you make.

I accept you. I understand you. From the order you eat your food in, to the corners of your mouth.

I know you

The conversation between your fingers and someone else’s skin. This is the most important discussion you can ever have

Monday, January 11, 2010

You know the difference between good and bad, right and wrong. No matter how much the voice inside your head tries to fool you, deep down, you know how your actions will affect the universe around you. Obey the silence inside. Ignore the noise

The best part of me is hidden

"You have a roof over your head. Food in your stomach. People who know your name and use it. A blanket. A pillow. A sun that rises and sets. You are the luckiest person alive"

i live my everyday finding ways to screw people over

"You called me over when I was young and told me you wanted to see how strong I was. I was eager to impress you so I obliged. You told me to put my hand in front of my face and try to keep it there, while you tried to pull it away. I thought I was doing so well as I strained against your arm. Until you let go. And I hit myself so hard I ended up on the ground with a bleeding nose. You helped me up, after you’d finished laughing, and said “Let that be a lesson. Trust no one. Not even me.” Despite what had happened, there was more love in that sentence than a thousand bed time stories"

When you are no longer able to be wrong, you are no longer able to be right either

Why do you do what you do? Is it to impress those around you? Your family? Your friends? Your lover?

Do you do it to make money? To live in a nice house? To buy things that can't be scratched?

Or do you do it because you love it. Because it lets you finish each day with a smile on your face and a thought in your mind.

"Today I did the best I could do. Not because I had to. Because I wanted to."

Life is not a story. No matter how much you'd like it to be.

Life is life. It can end, begin and become whatever you want it to be.

Nothing is written down

You are well within your rights to stand up, interrupt everyone around you and say "This is not who I am. This is not what I want. I'm sorry, but you've mistaken me for somebody else"

So I sat there on the bench and got lost in the faces of people I'd never know or meet because like them, my life is too busy for strangers.

I missed the train today. And you

Sunday, January 10, 2010

If winning is getting up one more time than you fall down. If strength is more than muscle. If time teaches us patience. And knowledge gives us grace.

Then we will go forward. Remembering the past. But never yearning for it.

There is so much more to look forward to

Across a park. A stolen glance. A lifetime of wondering if I'd ever see you again

The mask covered your face. The artificial voice box warped what you were saying. The gloves covered your hands, hiding any last hint of colour. You told me that it obscured your race and any heritage it held. The sins of your father. The dreams of your mother. You told me if everyone wore one, then no one could judge anyone anymore.

I told you it looked terrible. You told me:


Saturday, January 9, 2010

In the house of truth, you will find beauty. In the house of beauty, you will find nothing

Sometimes the night is dark and stormy. Sometimes the ghosts of what you had run their fingers down a spine.

And when that happens, you want to turn to the last page. Don't. You'll ruin the story

Some thoughts will chase you from your childhood to the end of the house and back again. They'll sit there, hanging in the cobwebs, waiting to be thought back to life. Hiding in the walls. The smell of a book. The way the light shines at a certain point in the day.

But there are other thoughts, new thoughts, that can take the place of old thoughts. Think them well and often

"It's only after we've lost everything, that we're free to do anything"

I told you religion is nothing but myths and fairytales

You said “But do you really want to live in a world without myths and fairytales?”

Friday, January 8, 2010

Today is thursday.
I slept in.
I had a pepsi for breakfast.
I saw my therapist.
We talked about you.
We doubled the dosage.
All i can think is
one more time from the beginning.
Lets get it right.
I have nothing else to say.
I will just go watch the Office
and when i laugh out loud i will
look next to me and realize im alone.

"But i know what its like to wanna die. How it hurts to smile. How you try to fit in but cant. How you hurt yourself on the kill the thing on the inside"

Thursday, January 7, 2010

it's not what you look at, it's what you see

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

When love begins, it's easy for you to make something out of nothing.

When it ends, it's much harder to turn that something back into nothing

"she is a ghost, drifting in and out of reality, lost on her way to something more, not really knowing what more is, or if it even exists"

Monday, January 4, 2010

Mourn what you lost. Celebrate what you had.

All things come to an end. Just as all things come to a beginning

Sunday, January 3, 2010

"I was born independent and the biggest mistake I ever made was falling into the arms of society. Free will has become an option, and that is where we have all lost ourselves. You can either choose to live, or avoid the things you will never know by experiencing things at your own discretion. We are the creator of our own lives"

"There are days when I exist simply to prove you wrong about me"

You can chase the shadows if you want to. But all you'll do, is make them longer

Saturday, January 2, 2010

There's nothing scary about choice. Scary is when you don't have choice

For some reason, a long time ago, you and I sat down and said that on this day, we would set everything aside and try to find some meaning in the chaos of the world around us.

So in spite of the people who will fight around you, the family members who'll argue, the one's who'll tell you it's all a waste of time and money, on your own or with someone else, you go out there and you find a moment. One serene, beautiful moment when the world and everything in it makes sense. It's rare. And it doesn't get handed to you on a platter. Which is why you've got an entire day to look for it