"My tea’s getting cold. i’ve been watching the bright faces of the streets for hours now. a man in a suit helps a young lady with a red hat with her raincoat. my joints ache. i can’t help, but wonder about how they smile at each other. i’ve got class in twenty minutes. i go to this cafe a few blocks from my private school every day for a sandwich and tea. why are so many people my age worried about love? we are young, we are creative, we have so much time ahead of us, yet there’s never a journal left untouched by the lonely young adult who doesn’t understand why they are alone on a friday night. i just don’t understand why there is so many people who feel lonely. high school relationships rarely work out and you actually think you will find love on the floor of a college dorm? you can rationalize it all you want, because we all do have countless opportunities ahead of us, but for some reason saying that doesn’t make it hurt any less. what it really boils down to is you’ve got to stop being a pussy to get some pussy, but i’m still working on that. here’s hoping i get a date for homecoming. look at me, caring about homecoming when you haven’t been to a sporting event since freshman year. that’s what happens when you get to senior year at a hellhole and you feel like you’ve been missing out these past few years because you were scared and holy shit, I am going to late"