"I was in Hollister this past weekend while I was at the mall, and you know what I really, really, really fucking hate? How annoying every person that works there is so fucking annoying. It started the exact moment I stepped through the (walkway?) thing and looked at the girl standing there. Alright, it’s cool that your hair is down to your ass and you’re wearing the skimpiest tank top ever in the world, but do you really have to scream “HEY, WHAT’S UP?” in my face to me FOUR times? No, I don’t think so. And you, macho man in the back pretending to fold clothes but secretly staring at my ass when I walk by, you already asked me if I needed help three times, and no, I do not need a dressing room, thank you very much. But you could use this twenty and buy yourself a shirt that’s not three sizes too small, because you wish to show off the guns you just do. not. have. And I swear to god, blonde girl at the cash register, if you ask me to sign up for some bullshit ass thing ONE MORE TIME when I walk past, I will shove my foot so far up your god damn ass that you will be licking my toes all of Spring Break. And by the way, yes, I was there for half an hour, and yes, I had four items in my hand - things I didn’t “LOVE” but things that I suppose just “CAUGHT MY EYE”, but when I went back to the front to look at the jeans - girl with the skimpy tank-top, oh you just sent me over the edge. So while you were smiling extremely fake at me and waiting for me to run out of the door with it in my hand, I smiled shyly and shoved all of my items underneath a pile of shirts - and yes, I did make sure you were looking. Just so I could see the pain fill your eyes and hatred fill your veins when you realized you were going to have to fold everything all over again. But by that time I was gone, no sympathy whatsoever, because it’s not like you were actually doing something anyway."