"Our graves are laid to rest but how much of us are already sleeping? We lay our head to rest each night and dream of things that seem impartial, but can’t you feel your inner-self screaming things we’ve been to blind to see, what are these memories you speak of? Some of us become restless souls and the only light we see; it’s the only air we breathe. I am having a hard time deciphering fact from fiction, but its you who is lingering in the depths of my mind. You’re so far down that I can’t even see past the darkness you’ve created. You’re wandering down corridors and are given nothing but the sight of created illusion, can you see my ghost? Can you even hear me calling you? Our senses become useless everyday but we choose what we want to disregard, don’t we? I’ve hit a mine, can you stay awhile? Please, just say you’ll stay for awhile. I might be a day or two, but once I set sail these feelings will be one with the sea. Our hearts will be our guide and our minds will be laid to rest. We’ll look below and swim above to everything ever to be known. We’ll throw our compass out the window and watch time direct us to a place where infinity lies. I can feel the sun rising and the storm is slowly departing. We’ll find the shore and crash to the sound of the tidal waves. It’s you who I want to be near, it’s you in which I see the light. Please, just say you’ll stay awhile"-Amber haiku