"You’re always pleasing people but really just pleasing the liar in yourself, who am I to say these things? I’m just someone that remotely sees everything in your misguided heart. I’m just a remedy of collected memory you stored in the back of your mind. You can call me a ghost, you can call me a season, you can call me a mistake, you can call me a regret, you can call me anything you want. God damn, I’ll be it because my self-worth has been proven to be greater than what you exceed to be. While I’m out there finding myself - You’re out there setting traps, and getting set up for things you don’t even realize yet. You’re out there losing yourself to a point of not even realizing it. You’re such a beautiful thing of destruction; young and oblivious and you create your own wars, how many battles do you fight with yourself everyday, honestly? I’m not trying to speak in spite because where is that even going to get me? I speak in the hopes of leveling some kind of understanding, but really? You spend so much time wandering in the shoes of people that you’re never going to cure. You can’t cure a sickness that is already heavy and one with a person. Whether it be physical, mental, or emotional. You can’t be someone’s back bone; when they can’t even stand-up themselves, when are you ever going to learn? You sit in self-secluded silence but you say you like it? No wonder you have nothing to say, you’re always worrying about all the wrong things. Sooner or later you’re going to end up back to square one. Hell, you’re already half-way there"-Amber haiku