"You called me and were too sweet to me. I was trying to tell you the truth and it couldn’t fit out of my mouth. It felt like I was trying to spit out hair. I didn’t want to do that to you. I listened and quietly hoped this wasn’t real, all of this world I was living in wasn’t real. But it was and I had to tell you. It was quiet and you sounded confused. Then you were too sweet again and I wanted to vomit. You ended up when I told you the rest of it all. When I told you of all the people I’d been seeing, what I’d done. But still you were sweet. You wiped your mouth and told me you loved me. I felt remorse, I did. But give me a break. I was tired, I was vulnerable. I felt more remorse leaving my car in Texas.
That’s not true. I’m just trying not to let all of this failure taint my vision. It’s like looking through onion stained glass. Yellow and foggy and painful and beautiful."
Photo by; Mary scott
Model; Spence Dagneau