"We drove through Helena. We went up to Edmonton. We found nothing, nothing, nothing. Trees. Nothing. We drank in the car. We drank while we drove. We had big mouths. We didn’t know what we were doing. We peed against trees. We slept tangled up in the back seat. You said you wanted to be back at home, with your wood floors and roommates. You said your head felt too heavy. You said your lids were sliding shut like windows. I got sick, you got sick. We never slept. You smoked. I smoked when I got drunk. We felt confined, like the world wasn’t big enough. Edmonton was too far to go. We should have stopped at the border. But that wasn’t enough. We wanted to go to Vancouver, but we ran out of money. I’d never been to the bottom like that, but it didn’t feel good. Thank God your sister had the money to bail us out. I never called home. When I finally did, on a pay phone, my mother was too loud and so I hung up."
Photo by; Mary scott
Model; Spence Dagneau