At times of adolescences, teens or should I say young adults find themselves overwhelmed and pressured by what the real world throws at them. They fall, they break, and crumble at the seems. But well be reminded anything is possible; No matter what a person has done, did ,or will do. Girls will cry, boys will fight, they will all experiment. Some more than others. Sex, love and all the drugs. No matter how hard they"ll hit the floor, it makes up for some subconscious hatred most people carry around with them, almost like those fashionable backpacks.
A lot of times people don't do the bolder thing to do, don't yeah think? You could have no friends, no girlfriends/boyfriends, nor a good life with your family. Could you imagine your life being just you? Couldn't you just almost imagine not wanting to breathe, or feel? Walking alone is as if you've been walking with the dead all this time. Your heads spinning, everything looks like a cartoon, you fall. Who was there that helped you up? Didn't you ever think you could stop? Have yourself a good ole' reality check?
Right down to the point. Have yourself a life to live. Breath more today, knowing just maybe you won't be able to tomorrow. Your so beautiful inside and out, no, nobody can bring you down. With the things and mistakes that have happened. Think of not today or yesterday, but how about next year? Think of your possibilities. Think of your life. Think of your family. Just sit, and think. With so much love, and life around. Just know that any decision you make today, will show you tomorrow.
Yeah maybe a few years ago, you've never been so low. Yeah maybe it was hard to move on, but baby your better than that. You have so much to see, hear, touch and learn. Reborn. New. Clean minded. With your hands weak but your heart strong, you will knock them all dead.
As I sit here writing this thinking with my own thoughts, not writing or rewording anybody Else's. I'm me and what more could I want? The things I do and or like, are me. The music I listen too, the clothes I like, the people I call my friends, my partying habits, my grades, my attitude and personality. In the past who I am I was not what I wanted you know? But everybody has that don't they? Well maybe unless they were self-absorbed fucks.
I don't and won't take a hit from nobody, ' I do what I want '. I live, I love, I breathe, I smoke weed. I like girls, food and cigarettes. No I don't care what people think or say. With this in mind, I could never be higher. No I don't worry about heaven, and if my sinning with not get me in the when I ' pass on ' or as I would say, die. I will riot in the ground, and bugs will eat me. I will not become a spirit and go to a place were everything is holy, were there are clouds that look like cotton candy. No here's that time for a reality check.
I'm not afraid of death, I'm afraid I won't be able to live before that day comes. I want to know that when my time does come, I'm ready to leave all what I have behind.